There needs to be a word for like, the extremely clichéd things people say in order to sound smart/hip/wise/virtuous but have obviously never given a lot of thought to.

Like "I-only-liked-their-first-album-before-they-sold-outisms" seems a little long.
My favorite growing up was "I'm not religious, but if I were, I'd be a Buddhist" from people who definitely could not tell you a single thing about Buddhism. Also the classic "I don't even own a TV."
Am definitely hoping that after Trump, people will stop thinking it sounds especially savvy to say "We need a businessman for President, who will run the country like a business."
I would very much like for people to stop saying "There are three sides to every story, his, hers and somewhere in the middle is the TRUTH" because it completely discounts the fact that some people are straight-up liars. It's a stupid saying and I hate it.
Maybe something related to Robert Frost, due to the fact that every go-along from high school had those lines from "The Road Not Taken" that don't mean what they think they mean as their senior quote.
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