How did an entire group of people/generation get brainwashed into thinking they were helping to provide the common good!?

Because we need to be honest, most of them think they are doing what they think is good. A few are part of the manipulation.
A socialist communist doctrine has infiltrated our political, educational and economic systems. People, for the most part are good, and want to help mankind. A way of thinking on this has infiltrated us to believe the common good can only be achieved through socialism/communism.
They've been brainwashed into believing various doctrine such as privilege, intersectionality and support a cancel culture if you do not agree with them. They've been taught if you don't agree with them, you are dangerous. You are the enemy. Division and tribalism resulted.
In the school system, at the college level especially, they have selected a few good intentioned, eager students who easily are influenced in believing what they are told as truths. This is the main part I want to dig into here.
This special status has created martyrs for someone else's cause. I know it bc I was brainwashed in2 believing it. I had this belief that I'm smart, I'm one of the chosen ones who is of a select group of people who know better & what is right for everyone. Elitism!!!
The reason I'm here and not with the scary masses is because I'm an open minded person, believe in humility and grew up with old school values. I don't like to follow a crowd and I don't like to be manipulated. I also believe in classical liberal values such as free speech.
But my experience in the education system is the idea since I'm educated, I know better mentality. It's easily breed into the school system. It's how they get these martyrs who think they are doing good & are taught to be the special changers in society. Look at Gerald Butts. 😳
Look @ the WE brothers and @ AOC. Who else has been radicalized w/ the idea they're the savers of humanity & that they know best & the best way to achieve their goal is 2 control everyone. It haphazardly creates a rules for thee but not for me. I'm the chosen one who knows best.
They think they are special, experts and they know what's good, and do not. They think they are the few leaders of this movement to spread communism, thinking this is the best way to achieve the common good for everyone.
That lack of humility, their arrogance and their ignorance is their archilles heel! There icarus moment. They truly believe what they are doing is good. They think it's ok to silence voices bc they were raised to also be frail. Certain words can hurt & is an act of violence.
If you speak out against anything you say, they've been manipulated and brainwashed to believe that is dangerous bc it doesn't fit the schema they were taught to believe is true. Such as conservatives bad, Trump supporter as bad, democracy, free speech and freedom is bad.
I could go through academic discussions as to how this was achieved. There's a few scholars we should pay attention to such as Jonathan Haidt and Jordan Peterson who go into detail why we are seeing what we are seeing. I think it's important to know so we can create change.
Book: The Coddling of the American Mind. And.
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion.
by Jonathan Haidt

He's a classical liberal. Centrist really, maybe even libertarian.
My point in all of this is that good people have been brainwashed in the school system and therefore infiltrated everywhere else. What we are seeing is a manifestation of all of this and more. I'll save more for another day bc then it gets into the weirdness of evil ppl.
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