1992: Pat Buchanan gives fascist keynote at GOP convention. Molly Ivins says "I guess it sounded better in the original German." Centrists & Republicans say "OMG, that's such an unfair thing to say!" PBS & MSNBC continue to put Pat Buchanan on the air for decades. Now FF to 2021.
Jan 6, 2021: Proud Boys and neo-Nazis, clutching their treasured copies of Pat Buchanan's book "The Death of the West," storm the US Capitol to try to overthrow an election lost by a President who has surrounded himself with white nationalist advisors like S. Miller & S. Bannon.
That's the shorter version of this thread. https://twitter.com/SethCotlar/status/1348298996083695616?s=20
If only there had been a sign that Trump was tapping into some deeply rooted and dangerous far right currents in American political culture!
Worth noting that in 1999, 16 years before Donald Trump decided to run for the GOP nomination on Pat Buchanan's platform and using his rhetoric, he described Pat in this way.
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