Radical feminism MUST be actively and staunchly anti racist, anti homophobia & anti capitalist first and foremost, as this is the most linear route in which to liberate ALL women. That means we MUST center WOC’s, bi & lesbian, and poor and working class women’s struggles.
Why? Because their oppression manifests at the worst intersections of misogyny, racism, homophobia, ableism and poverty. Liberation cannot only be for the most privileged women in society; then it is not liberation but self gratification.
Misogyny is amplified by these things, in ways those who don’t experience its amplification cannot ever imagine. How can we claim to fight for all women if the most marginalized are not front & center?
In addition, the most vulnerable are female children. How can we ever wish to liberate the female sex if children are suffering from these things, often at the hands of more privileged women? Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, this is the reality.
The reality that there are white, rich women who have directly contributed to the murders, enslavement, and othering of non white, poor children and women. It’s happened, it keeps happening, and will continue to happen if we don’t fight it head on.
You can argue that the most privileged women don’t represent all of us, but they represent the WORST of us. They represent that even if those lucky enough break free, did it by stepping on the necks of the most oppressed female people in society. Self gratification.
Yes, it’s frustrating to see people say “white women can’t be oppressed”. It’s more frustrating to see WOC defend you from this rhetoric only for you to turn around and say “white women can’t oppress black men”. Same goes for the hetero vs homosexual dynamic.
As a het woman you have a form of privilege, and it’s that you are conforming to society’s expectations of your sex. A het woman could go and out a lesbian woman to her homophobic family, leaving her in a most likely dire situation, maybe even her death.
Privileged women can oppress lesser privileged women; they can oppress lesser privileged men. Privileged women may still be oppressed by more privileged men. Privileged women should not be centered in radical feminism, the things we fight for includes them by default.
What I am trying to say is, you can’t view feminism through the eyes of the most privileged types of women. That’s how we got liberal & choice “feminism”. Of course things are a choice for them. They fail to see all the other women who never had, or will never have those choices.
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