Black people in America have NEVER had due process when it comes to White mobs.

White mobs began in the 1870s and we're still dealing with White mobs today in 2021.

White mob insurrection, The Charleston Riot of 1876, one of many
White mob insurrection- The Meridian, Mississippi 1871
The point is, white mobs always stop Black progress, and the government allows them to. I knew when Warnock (Black) and
Ossoff (Jewish) won their races, White racists were gonna ctfu.

It's the Reconstruction Era vibes.

No call for unity is going to work. It never has.
Until Blacks finally get justice, until racists being punished for undermining Black rights, nothing in the country will change.

White people accept, elevate, and forgive racists again and again, but expect different results.

This country is racist and complicit as hell.
Anyone calling for unity is deliberately asking us to forgive, forget, and forgo justice for ourselves. 1870-2021

That includes the President-Elect and Vice-President Elect!

History keeps repeating itself because we keep doing the same thing.

We've had plenty of insurrections.
We've NEVER had justice for any of them..

A white man's legacy trumps a Black man's trauma.

You cannot unify something that was never together.

Any White man refusing to do anything about traitors, ops, and agents, are doing what they've ways done.

It's White people shit!
There will be no unity without justice.

There will be no restoration without justice.

There will never be peace without justice.

So don't be asking us to do nothin. We're busy trying to survive livin in a shithole country.

Perfect example
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