1) So I would like to share a THREAD about my #BBNaija stan experience from 2017 to present.
I would like you to read attentively and with an Open mind, feel free to leave your comments below.
Without much ado, let’s get started, thread this way 👇
2) I haven’t always been a #BBNaija fan but my wife was always watching the show back in 2017, each time I came back from work and wanna watch my fav channel, natgeo wild, she wouldn’t let me cos she is fixated with #BBNaija #BBNaijaFAVEDay
3) Out of boredom and sheer curiosity as what makes the show tick, I started keeping up with the show, little did I know that I was gonna be HOOKED that much for real.
It must have been crazy thinking backwards to that moment when it all started to unravel
4) So as i started watching the show,didnt take long to pick out Efe.
He was different, his desire & hunger to win was UNREAL and you could feel it even from the way he moved to steal the HOH crown to gain immunity in a certain week from possible eviction
5)Efe had all the attributes of a winner, impressionable, ambitious, well drilled and focused and almost everyone loved him.
He was a popular choice. His circle of friends, Marvis, Bally , Bisola would become the most important and influential friends on the show
6) My experience stanning Efe was overwhelmingly positive cos of how well he was accepted and liked by Nigeria and Africa at large during the show.
A lot of fans really wanted him to win cos they strongly believed it would change his life for good
7)TBoss fans were quite a menace that year tho. We often clashed on the TL but then again EFE nation was a FORCE to reckon with and they did it week in week out with their votes and would go on to eventually WIN the show with a landslide 51%, a record at the time #BBNaijaFAVEDay
8) I enjoyed supporting Efe in the house even though things would change so drastically months after the show for him but for what its worth, he was a delight to watch, he thoroughly did his best for the game, looked out for his friends & deserved his win for real #BBNaijaFAVEDay
9) In 2018,the show introduced a Twist – the DOUBLE WAHALA twist.
HM’s were required to choose a mate with whose their fates were inter linked
That introduced a new variable into the mix, you have ur FAVE who you love but u also have to look out for their partner #BBNaijaFAVEDay
10) I was a VOCAL supporter of Miracle in the 2018 edition, He was much like Efe in the previous season, ambitious, driven but more than Efe, he had this fine boy swag and to top it all, he is a PILOT. That would be a first on the show #BBNaijaFAVEDay
11) Miracle was in love with Nina (or so we thought during the show).
So we all had to rep the two of them the best we can.
One of the most problematic detail that season was CEEC, she was quite something else especially with her nasty fiesty attitude to Tobi #BBNaijaFAVEDay
12) Spartans hated me with a passion cos I always called Ceec out when she started with her antics with Toby especially after the Saturday night parties.
Toby was Miracle’s Best friend in the house and her attitude rubbed off on him the wrong way
13) Supporting Miracle was another roller coaster HIGH cos he would WIN tasks when you need him to win tasks, flirt when you need him to, it’s like he just knew what to do at every appointed time and that most refreshing for his fans like me #BBNaijaFAVEDay
14) In my opinion, Miracle is STILL the MOST perfect/COMPLETE #BBNaija winner with all the finest combinations, swag, intelligence, groove and Humor. Team Miracle would later on in the season claim glory that year with a win that was hardly disputed #BBNaijaFAVEDay
15)Then came 2019 and I did something different.
I decided to root for Tacha.
A decision which would cost me 10,000 followers during the season, resulting in 15 death threats and endless trolls.
It was quite a departure from the acceptance of previous seasons #BBNaijaFAVEDay
16) Supporting Tacha in the house was a totally new experience for me cos for once I find myself rooting for a house mate that is so hated by a lot of fans but then again it so happens that Titans ( a name for the fans of tacha) are BATTLE hardened NERDS #BBNaijaFAVEDay
17)...who would go to any length for their Queen, I mean quite literally. Titans are Vicious and its on record that they are the most ferocious and strongest bbnaija fan base till date, always repping their Queen to the ends of the earth #BBNaijaFAVEDay
18) Tacha’s Disqualification was the LOWEST #BBNaija moment for me cos I didn’t see it coming, it hurt so much cos had she gotten to the final, she would have definitely WON.
I felt so moody for days, it just didn’t feel right but the decision was irreversible
19) I couldn’t watch the show when Tacha left the show and for the first time since I started watching #BBNaija , I was caught watching Animal Planet as the #BBNaija finale aired 10 days after Tacha’s DQ 😭 #BBNaijaFAVEDay
20) Supporting Tacha cost me a lot of my friends who either BLOCKED or MUTED me,directly insulted me or my family,it was really weird absorbing all these shit show. I am super glad that I remain vindicated with jst how HUGELY successful Tacha became after the show #BBNaijaFAVEDay
21) 2020 #BBNaija edition wld come & change it all over again completely.
This wld actually be the FIRST time on the show I wld have 2 FAVES @ozo_chukwu & @EricaNlewedim
Though I was vocally STRONG for Superions for Ozo, I have never hidden my love for Erica #BBNaijaFAVEDay
22) Ozo and Erica are TWO pure souls and free spirits who like Siamese twins went thru almost exactly the same situation ship while in the house ( chasing after and wanting MORE from a partner who didn’t really seem to be into them as much as they were into them) #BBNaijaFAVEDay
23) Supporting Ozo was NOT an easy cos he was trolled all season.
I had to deal with all the insults to his person which hurt like crazy but then again gotta put up a brave font and keep repping him all the way but it was NEVER easy at all but the love persisted #BBNaijaFAVEDay
24) Erica on the other hand would also get lots of trolls cos of her lovey dovey moments and sometimes OFF and ON situationship with Kidd in the house and also for the eventual fall out with Laycon
25) It was really hard for Superions to watch as their fave,OZO got attacked day after day and being perceived as that fall guy whose game was weak hence the Tony association by default.
All these and more made me stan Ozo harder #BBNaijaFAVEDay
26) I really cried when Erica was Disqualified, actually saw it coming from the altercation of that night after that fateful party.
When it finally happened, I felt so sad, worse than I felt during Tacha’s own
It was a low moment for me yet again
27) But then again God has a way of QUALIFYING a DISQUALIFIED HM and much like Tacha had the Biggest Female Fan base of the Pepper dem season, Erica by far has the STRONGEST and most Popular female BBNaija fan base in the lock down season #BBNaijaFAVEDay
28) Both Ozo and Erica would jointly become the MOST trolled house mate of the lockdown season but not really surprising why BOTH currently have the MOST die hard fan base.
Wonderful things happen to wonderful people you see 😊 #BBNaijaFAVEDay
29) I have an undying love for both ozo and Erica and quite pleased that they are truly excelling in their endeavors.
It was yet another exciting and Adventurous moment for in the lockdown season for me so to say
30) So across the 4 seasons since 2017, I’ve had mixed measures of Glory and Low moments, no one ever said that #BBNaija stanship is an actual science but most Importantly for me in all of these are the relationships I have been able to build each season #BBNaijaFAVEDay
31) Working closely with fan bases each season is something of a pleasant experience which i consider truly remarkable. I must say that I love Team Efe, Team Miracle, Titans, Superions and Elites
32) And the Funniest thing i've discovered with #BBNaija is that there is no PERMANENT friend or ENEMY, someone who stanned with you this season can stand against you next season and will show no mercy. Its incredible how that works tho
33) So that’s it from me, now I wanna hear your own #BBNaija stan experience.
Feel free to pick any particular season and share
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