My take on #ParlerBanned. A thread ⬇️
Many on social media are complaining that shutting off #Parler will inadvertently result in the Conservative conversation to move underground.
Let me explain why I think they might be right, and why that's not necessarily a bad thing. 1/
The far right and more extreme flavour of #Conservatism enjoyed a boost with the election of Trump to WH 4 years ago. His controversial remarks gave legitimacy to hardline views that were, up to that point, mostly underground. It normalized the far right rhetoric by allowing 2/
it a platform on the highest public office stage. The conversation was no longer underground.
Did that help the society to stop far right movements from growing bigger? In my opinion it didn't. Instead it gave them fuel and energy to recruit. It gave them legitimacy. 3/
The hardliners were no longer hiding their ignorance and contempt for democracy. It became a badge of honor that more people than ever were happy and even proud to wear. Most disturbingly, government officials found it easier to showcase their extremist views. 4/
What followed was more power in the hands of extremists to use their newly found legitimacy to misinform public and recruit voters to Conservative parties in the US and Canada. Qanon and conspiracy theories started being used by elected members of Conservative parties. 5/
The result could not have been more harmful to democracy and democratic institutions. The attack on healthcare, education, environmental protection, equity and equality policies, etc. using conspiracy theories started being communicated by Conservative officials. The media 6/
had no choice but to report on all the falsehood and misinformation as it was now being spoken by legitimately elected government officials and members of political parties. This significantly helped the misinformation campaigns. The media unwillingly became a comms. channel 7/
for #StopTheSteaI and #GreatReset. Democracy was a certain loser.
So yes, banning Parler, banning Trump from Twitter, calling out 🇨🇦 members of parliament who supported Trump,etc. moves the conversation underground making it harder for the society to see the true colours of 8/
of the group of Conservatives whose benefits are in keeping voters misinformed. But at least the movement will no more enjoy legitimacy to openly and freely misinform voters and recruit for its cause. Will that mean the far right Conservatism will disappear? No.
Will that 9/
mean that far right Conservatism will more likely lose its legitimacy? Yes and that is why I believe the ban will do much more good than harm!
When the blurry lines brcome clear again it will be much easier for the society to call out far extremism in Conservative parties 10/
And that is, I find, a reason to be optimistic about our political future in Canada and the US!
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