May 1988 FBI arrested 7 members of “Resistance Conspiracy”: Marilyn Jean Buck, Linda Sue Evans, Susan Rosenberg, Timothy Blunk, Alan Berkman, Laura Whitehorn and Elizabeth Ann Duke. Charged with executing the Capitol bombing.
Weather Underground was a famous American radical group committed to political violence in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Starting in the summer of 1970, FBI wanted posters featuring images of Bill Ayers. Group set off 25 bombs during existence.
William (Bill) Ayers believes education programs should serve as "sites of resistance" (His teacher-training programs were also CAC funded) against America's history of evil and racism, thereby forcing social transformation.
[05/03/2008] Barack Obama responded to probing, during ABC debate, of his Bill Ayers connection by mentioning Hillary Clinton’s husband had pardoned 2 former Ayers-related radicals also associated with the Weathermen.
[Mar. 21, 2012] Alinsky Placed Agitating at the Company of Bill Ayers’ Father— An article in the Chicago Tribune, February 2, 1970, found agitator Saul Alinsky having jolly good fun “rubbing raw the sores of discontent” into Commonwealth Edison.
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