1. We know a fair amount about how effective brief workshops are for teaching psychotherapy. They aren't.

2. We know nothing about how effective brief workshops are for quant methods.

But see #1 for my best guess.

Programs need to stop outsourcing their training. https://twitter.com/pdakean/status/1348303086616539140
We'd like to believe we can keep requiring just ANOVA and regression, and train students to be responsible, skeptical scientists with just that.

How are scientists who are barely trained in quant supposed to even READ the lit if they don't have exposure to common methods?
It's like people believe that quant training just teaches people how to run models, and not how to THINK about design, data collection, analut, and inference.
And think about it, the more undertrained people we have in the field, the more changing the status quo is threatening.

It self-perpetuates.
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