My theory all along has been a complete and total media and internet shut down. No TV to watch the news, no internet to check FB or Twitter. Why is this necessary? To keep the wrong stories from spreading. If the only information we are receiving is coming directly from @POTUS...
... that eliminates any crazy lies from spreading or at least from going viral. Expect your liberal neighbors to be freaking out saying “I heard Trump is...” disregard it. They won’t have heard shit and if they did it was made up by some other liberal nut. When the lights go...
... out know that Patriots are in control. And I can not stress this part enough. Whatever the Presidential Emergency Alert System tells you to do, you better damn well do it. They will expect the only people to disobey will be ANTIFA or some other DS faction. So if it tells...
... you to stay home and stay inside. DO IT. Make sure you are prepared. We’ve been warning you about this for three years now. Food, water, basic supplies for at least two weeks just to be safe. I would also recommend having a Go Bag ready to be scooped up at a moments...
... notice. This is not meant to scare you it’s just meant to prepare you. In my heart I fully believe this day is coming. And I think it’s any day now. The clock is running out. Trump and Cue Team need to act now. Be safe. Stay Vigilant and be prepared. If you wake up to no...
... TV or internet one morning you’ll know it’s Go Time. The Plan is full effect and we are seeing the last remaining pieces being moved into place now. God Bless.
RED 2 is the Net Pause in my opinion aka 10 days.
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