My opinions on everything are constantly evolving as I learn more & the situation regarding US politics is no different.
I believe we should all be willing to adjust our opinions as we learn. Doubling down is dishonest. 1/
I know I can’t please everyone & inevitably some of you will disagree with me. This is such an emotive issue & I acknowledge the feelings on both sides are incredibly strong. I can hold empathy for both simultaneously. 2/
I refuse to see half of America as evil. I see a country that is being let down by their elected officials. Almost everyone is sick of establishment politics that don’t deliver for the average person but they come to various conclusions as to who is to blame. 3/
I will assert again that I thought neither Biden nor Trump was a good candidate. I think both parties are deeply flawed. I think the people of USA are being served a punch in the face on one side & a kick in the kneecaps on the other. 4/
Biden’s win is being treated as a win for America, but sadly I think America was going to lose either way. I foresee more division, more partisanship, & a different set of issues than the Rs would’ve brought. 5/
Biden won. Is the US voting system flawed? Yes. It has experienced fraud of various kinds for decades. But the onus was on Trump & his lawyers to prove fraudulent activity was responsible for him losing. He didn’t do this. 6/
I think Trump’s behaviour in dealing with his challenges to the election has been inflammatory. He was entitled to seek legal redress but it is my opinion that his rhetoric has been irresponsible. He has let his followers down in this regard. 7/
I personally don’t like Trump. I was appalled when he was elected. But I quickly sought to understand why. I’ve been appalled with how Ds have behaved throughout his presidency also. They have stoked division too. It’s been ugly. 8/
Trump should be answerable to any law breaking he engaged in regarding the storming of the Capitol. He should be accountable to the systems that exist in the justice system. It should not be the place of Zuckerberg & Dorsey to dish out punishment or justice. 9/
There are consequences to speech that incites violence. Those consequences should come after the courts prove it or after the political system addresses it. Big Tech shouldn’t have the power to bypass legal systems & control what political speech is acceptable 10/
My primary concern is with the power of Big Tech which is held in the hands of a couple of men. Unelected. The censorship of @talkRADIO for discussing lockdowns is evidence of this. As is the @newyorkpost. These men are controlling the info we have access to. 11/
Twitter continues to platform fascist leaders, actual terrorists, people who issue death threats, the CCP, & more. But Dorsey made the political decision to ban the sitting president of the United States. It cannot be argued honestly that this isn’t political. 12/
It is dishonest & not right that those of us who are calling out the undue power of Big Tech are assumed to be supporters of Trump or to condone his actions. Likewise it’s wrong to assume that we support or hate the Ds. This is about protecting democracy & individual rights. 13/
We need to address the power of Big Tech. They are destroying our ability to access balanced info. They are causing all manner of other issues as explored by that Netflix doco. They must be regulated. They cannot be allowed to continue as they are. 14/
Presidents come & go. We like some of them, we hate others. Our rights as individuals & as societies must be protected so that no matter who is in power we are free. 15/
I really hope that we can reduce the emotive nature of this discussion so that we can address the challenges that face us all. Big Tech is a bigger threat to us & democracy than Trump. We need to come together to take back control of our political discourse & info. 16/
I know I will have upset some of you with my take on this but I hope you can see that I seek to foster conversations that address the concerns of all. Despite the deplorable behaviour of politicians (whoever you might think they are) we must find ways to reject division. 17/
I’m happy to engage in good faith about these issues. But any personal attacks or snarkiness will be ignored. Let’s play the ball not the player. Please consider reflecting on how we can engage productively. Big ask I know! 18/
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