Straight up this Jets team does not have a chance of being good with this coach and this defence unless the team injures itself (which I’m absolutely never cheering for btw) into the coach giving Samberg, Heinola, and now DeMelo(???) shots ahead of Forbort, Beaulieu, and Poolman.
Imagine seeing last year’s results and thinking the Jets are better off pairing Morrissey with Poolman again. This was probably the worst defence corps in the league last year, thanks in large part to their top pair.
Their most common top 4 last year was Morrissey-Poolman and Kulikov-Pionk. All we’re doing is replacing Kulikov with Forbort, who maybe is a slight upgrade on Kuli, maybe not? But you have essentially the same top 4. Why? Why are we constantly trying the same pile of shit
that we KNOW DOESN’T WORK. The coach still gets fooled by things like PDO. Like fuck we’re in 2021!!! Imagine seeing Morrissey and Poolman play together last year and think they should be looked at again even for a second.
And then imagine looking at the difference in team play after putting DeMelo with Morrissey and thinking “I gotta stick DeMelo in a third pair rotation in practice with two other guys.” I’m speechless. Our coach has done some fucking dumb shit but this nearly tops the list.
The only more egregious error has been Ehlers-Little-Laine every opportunity possible for a full season. This is near impossible galaxy brain shit from a fucking moron of a coach who doesn’t even teach a good style of hockey either. Brings absolutely zero to the table.
It was time for this moron to go after 2018-19. I’m getting so fucking sick him.
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