I think we've got a new "Covid-related" group worth keeping an eye on (and not in a good way) - @Inform_Scotland

Here's the 'About Us' page of their website which, predictably, tells us nothing about them. Can't imagine why that might be.
But if you have a look on the Links page, guess which organisations they're keen to direct you to?
So how about we just deal with this right from the start?

Dear @Inform_Scotland - since you want to help people make "informed decisions", are you up for answering some questions about the people involved, where the funding comes from, and your links to other organisations?
For example, who are the elected members involved? That's information that should definitely be public. Any members of @theSNP @scottishlabour @scotgp @scotlibdems or @ScotTories? I'm going to go way out on a limb and assume Linda Holt is there. Who else?
Why the name change the day after the website was registered?
This article on ConservativeWomen gives us a couple of names (I wonder why their own website doesn't make this sort of info available, given they are apparently really keen on transparency and people making informed decisions?)
The Twitter account has changed now but suggests a link to the Time For Recovery group that they also link to on their links page. Maybe we should also ask a few questions about Time For Recovery? Where might that lead us?
Well it will take you to 3 Morocco Street in London. Anyone else based there? Well yes, a company called Untrodden Path. Who runs that? Jonathan Dobinson. What else is he involved in? A group called World4Brexit, which you might have heard of...
And I see we're off to a good start on the transparency front...
And remember, we already know about a link to the PCR Claims company because Inform Scotland put it on their own website
So certainly plenty of questions to ask of @Inform_Scotland but I think we should go back to one of the first ones:

Who are the elected members involved in this group? If you care about people making informed decisions then they surely have the right to know?
That PCR Claims group seem nice eh? Telling a respected expert to leave to country and saying that "life goes on" in Florida (where more than 20000 people have died of Covid).
And I'm sure you'll all be shocked to learn that Christine Padgham has been writing for Think Scotland, the totally serious website featuring other great thinkers like Tom Gallagher and Jill Stephenson.
The plot thickens...
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