Oh shit so that dude up front, call him Come At Me Bro, is ready to fuck some shit up. Like I have seen that body language? I have seen it in bars with drunk dudes when de-escalation is failing because one of them is determined to start some shit. https://twitter.com/DinoStraciatela/status/1348255118253301760
He reminds me of every fucking animal on the edge of aggression I've dealt with, advancing when my back is turned, stopping at soon as I turn around.
To date I've had one goat pull that shit with me and you know what? He was fucking delicious.
Anyway this is where my genuine belief in police and prison abolition and my response to watching this are in tension, because I look at that and kinda hope the feds pick up Come At Me Bro and put him the fuck away. And then I feel bad about it.
But I don't know what else you do with a human being who willingly fucking turns himself into an animal like that. I mean generally we do not let you drop them off at the local slaughterhouse and put them in the freezer to eat later.
Dr K's comment here is spot on, and in retrospect I should have put a warning on this thread and that damn video. https://twitter.com/TheMedievalDrK/status/1348319205985288192?s=19
But Shiv's comment also. Dude is stalking and waiting for the mob to catch up. It's fucking unnerving to see if you've been the target of it. https://twitter.com/nameshiv/status/1348318697610334209?s=19
Ah. Here's the video it reminds me of.
The officer's name is Eugene Goodman, lift him up. https://twitter.com/grayrnond/status/1348321072769208321?s=19
Particularly lift him up because if you watch this spot in the video you see him start towards where he knows more people are, then make a conscious decision to lure the crowd away, even shoving Come At Me Bro to provoke him more. https://twitter.com/kristin__wilson/status/1348287215902846979?s=19
Somebody give Mr Goodman a big pile of money and let him have a quiet and luxurious retirement far from all the goddamned Nazis.
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