The conventional understanding of right & left, liberal & conservative, breaks down when applied to China

China, while ostensibly communist, differs from other communist countries and from Western leftist ideology in several important ways.

China's "socialism w Chinese characteristics" is heavily nationalist & even racialist, in contrast to the internationalist & anti-racist bent of Western leftism. They have a clear (though somewhat flexible for political expediency) understanding of who is and isn't Chinese
The Han ethnic majority forms the core of Chinese identity, while other (Asiatic) ethnic groups within Chinese territory are still considered Chinese w equal citizen rights but who will be fiercely repressed if they cause problems (Tibetans and Uighurs)

Everyone else a foreigner

China is fiercely protectionist

Their banning of Western social media served 2 purposes: 1) keep glowy foreign subversion out of their cyberspace, and 2) create domestic alternatives such as Weibo and WeChat for greater economic benefit to themselves
China was let into the World Trade Organization thanks to efforts by Bill Clinton (who took CCP $$$) and George W. Bush. They said China would become more liberal and democratic
But China had no such intention (who can blame them?), never abided WTO rules & never opened their markets to Western products. Now most products on American shelves are made in China, and most products on Chinese shelves are ... made in China

This is a huge advantage for them
However, one can't really blame China for this since US govt and oligarchs SHUT DOWN American manufacturing to move all production to China

So there are are "American" brands on Chinese shelves, products from the transnational megacorps, just nothing actually MADE IN AMERICA

China is in many ways much more culturally conservative than US or Europe at present

China does not have g*y marriage and does not allow representations of hom0s*xuality in film & tv

They recently made divorce more difficult in order to stem rising divorce rates
They do not allow blood and gore or excessive nudity in film and television, nor messages and storylines which they deem unwholesome. This includes of course anything overly critical of the government or of Chinese history
The majority of Chinese value getting a good education, a good job, a good marriage, and a good family, in that order

Government policies are typically designed around fostering and continuing this societal ethos
Chinese media is heavily nationalist and promotes the image and idea of Chinese pride to the point of chauvinism. Their antipathy towards Japan, stemming from lingering resentment over the Sino-Japanese conflict (their name for WW2) is particularly strong
So China/CCP is anti-glob0hom0 in these ways


1. Elements of the Right in the West admire or try to find common cause w China

2. Anti-CCP forces in Taiwan, Hong Kong, S. Korea & elsewhere become PRO-glob0hom0 as a reaction, looking to Western liberalism as a model
But what must be understood is that China/CCP is an enemy of glob0hom0 ONLY WITHIN THEIR OWN BORDERS. They are perfectly happy to exploit the baizuo's weakness & foolishness abroad, as is only natural in conflict
They see the last year of US turmoil & unrest as just revenge for US meddling in the Hong Kong protests of 2019. I'm quite sure research will uncover channeling of funds towards leftist groups in US, just as glowies gave funds to anti-CCP (and pro-glob0hom0) groups in Hong Kong
There is similar tit-for-tat in the opioid crisis, which they see as revenge for their own opium epidemic 150 years ago

This alone should give all on the American Right serious pause regarding "based Chyna"
As tensions rise, first due to the Trump trade war and then the c0vid p@ndemic, it will be difficult for some on the Right to properly understand the situation
There is a difference between being an enemy of the American people and an enemy of the US regime, which is itself an enemy of the American people

China can be considered both, in different ways, which creates a strange, triangular scenario
From an American nationalist perspective, there are legitimate concerns & grievances against China/CCP bc they are who our own corrupt elites have sold out to for 30 yrs plus

They "took our jobs" - because our politicians made it profitable for corporations to ship them there
But China only acted in their own interests and took advantage of a good deal. The treachery and stupidity of "our" elites is not their doing, they just exploited it for their own gain. These elites, in turn, exploited China's willingness to be a slave labor world factory
In my view the last thing America needs is a Cold War against China, which would be both a giant military-industrial complex GRIFT and also an exculpation of the domestic traitors that sold out to China in the first place
Furthermore, the US regime's only intentions towards China would be to replace the CCP with a puppet regime more favorable to the glob0hom0 consensus, which would be a disaster for the Chinese people while being of no benefit to the American people
Like it or not, the CCP is objectively more beneficial to the Chinese people than the US regime is to the American people. The American people are ruled by a corrupt elite that actively hates us. The CCP, for all their faults, do not hate the Chinese people
Nonetheless the CCP is not America's friend, and US-China relations have been skewed against the American people for 30 years
That is primarily the fault of corrupt US leaders, and so the American people find themselves between the proverbial rock and hard place - between the corrupt US regime and the Chinese Communist Party
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