I'm clean installing Windows 10 today (after upgrading some parts) and, inspired by @grrrck's recent thread, decided to put together a tweet thread about it. #rstats #PCBuild
Here's my current parts list - https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/rcgfmk  - I upgraded CPU, GPU, and RAM - and I'll be clean installing Windows onto a new/empty drive along with all of my daily driver programs.

First things first, make a Win10 USB install stick with https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/create-installation-media-for-windows-99a58364-8c02-206f-aa6f-40c3b507420d, then boot from the stick and follow the instructions. 3/n
I do think Win10 Pro is worth upgrading to, especially for the Remote Desktop feature - that lets me log in to my home machine from my cheap and dirty laptop for the rare case I need anything from it. 4/n
I primarily do data science/development (with R/SQL etc) but also enjoy gaming every now and then - I just finished Assassin's Creed Valhalla. 5/n
When it finally loads, I set up a local account (not a MS one), skipping through all the dialogues (choosing not to send Microsoft your data, not using Cortana, not using location services etc). 6/n
The first order of business is running Windows Update and then letting it do its thing. This is a good time to get some coffee! 7/n
The second order of business is re-running Windows Update, in case it didn't manage to successfully update everything the first time. 8/n
Time to install some hardware specific drivers - my CPU/GPU are worth installing the latest from AMD https://www.amd.com/en/support , and I'd like to have the configurable gestures and hotkeys for my Logitech Triathlon mouse, so that's https://www.logitech.com/en-ca/product/options
As an aside: I'm a huge fan of the Triathlon mouse - here's how I have the gestures and shortcuts set up. I got rid of the side-scrolling feature in favour of mapping ctrl-C and ctrl-v to the left-right scroll action - this lets me select, copy, and paste all with my mouse! 10/n
Per the instructions, open an administrator powershell window and paste the download and install script so that it installs chocolatey. 12/n
While this is running, I open up a browser window and start scanning the chocolatey package library for things I want to install - and then start building up a terminal command in notepad to install it. My list ends up looking like this: 13/n
Copy and paste that oneliner into the PowerShell window, and poof - it goes to work installing everything!
I also get started on removing Microsoft Clutter (TM) - uninstalling every possible app tile in the start menu, and getting rid of cortana and search bars from my taskbar. If I need to search my PC, I press the windows key and start typing. The end result start menu: 16/n
Time to install RStudio, and then a whack of R packages. I have this package list saved from when I installed R4.0.0 recently, so that comes in handy! 17/n
Once all the R packages are installed, a few last tweaks: installing some fonts from Google Fonts (Jetbrains Mono, Fira Sans/Condensed/Mono/Code, IBM Plex Sans/Serif/Condensed/Mono) and customizing RStudio theme/pane layouts ( @grrrck's rsthemes is so awesome!)
And that's it for now! Time for some football :)

I've uploaded the code and setup notes to this github page (and it'll probably make it into my blog at some point as well) https://github.com/tanho63/pc-setup/blob/main/README.md 19/19
You can follow @_TanHo.
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