A better measure for the damage done to children, would be the NORMAL way to calculate impact of disease: DALY.
So if you are a useless journalist, not knowing what to ask, ask how many healthy lifeyears children lose.

Obs, about 13% of grownups get longcovid (Daniel Griffin in TWiV)
Let's compare with Polio (wiki)

"For all those infected, in up to 70 percent of infections there are no symptoms.Another 25 percent of people have minor symptoms such as fever and a sore throat, and up to 5 percent have headache, neck stiffness and pains in the arms and legs."
>"These people are usually back to normal within one or two weeks. Years after recovery, post-polio syndrome may occur, with a slow development of muscle weakness similar to that which the person had during the initial infection."
NOONE with Polio would end up in intensive care unit
Only 5% of kids with Polio have serious symptoms. This is reminiscent of SARS-CoV-2. Serious, but for neither disease serious enough to land you in the ICU.
An even smaller percentage than those 5% kids with symptomatic polio, maybe 5% of those 5% will have serious debilitating long term disease. Not the type that will send you to the ICU but the type of disease that will have consequences for the rest of your life.
The arguments @ludvigsson is doing to claim that SARS-CoV-2 is not dangerous to children, the same arguments could have been done against Polio, the most dreaded childhood disease we have, that we have put massive efforts to try to erradicate
The disease burden is not fully known for SARS-CoV-2, but we DO KNOW that we can expect long-term consequences for large minority of those infected, at least 10%, and if even half of that percentage applies to children, many healthy lifeyears may be lost
If ppl end up in the ICU or not simply isn't a measure used in health research at all. For a good reason: it is not a relevant measure of disease impact on public health.

So fucking just stop this
Now my question to @ludvigsson is: what if SARS-CoV-2 turns out to be the Polio of our century and you have signed The Great Barrington Declaration, publicly encouraging spread in the schools: what is then your responsibility for all of these children with virus injuries?
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