Alright we need to talk about IC3PEAK's album До Свидания (2020) and the videos they released last year. Follow the thread:
In 2018, they released the album Сказка with songs on social themes. Смерти Больше Нет (Death No More) has Nastya Kreslina singing from the perspective of a riot squad member, facing the Lubyanka jail-headquarters of the FSB (Federal Security Service).
The videos published on YouTube have subtitles with the lyrics translated to English. In this song, they have verses such as these: "Together with others you will be twisted in the square" and "I go outside to caress a cat while a cop car runs it over".
But IC3PEAK political stand is not featured only in their songs. Nastya was photographed during a protest against the isolation of RuNET, an attempt of Russian government to isolate its Internet segment from the rest of the world.
And the commentary on militarism grew stronger as they released the video for Марш (Marching) in 2020. There's a clear connection to the times of the URSS, but since they were both born in 1995, it's less about the past and more of a contemporary alert
For this new album, they kept the same B&W aesthetics + soviet and folk references. I'd need more time to study this carefully, but basically there's this conflict between old/conservative values and a new generation that can't and doesn't want to fit in.
IC3PEAK also came to Brazil for a gig and they recorded the video Go with the flow in São Paulo. They feature some artists from the Brazilian LGBTQ+ underground scene, which says much about their position on Russia's persecution of queer people.
Why their music is important:
1. Police violence and oppression against minorities are nothing exclusive to their native country;
2. If you like Grimes and Die Antwoord, for instance, but have trouble with their political agenda;
3. If you like folklore but don't want to catch up with conservatives appropriating these symbols for fascistic ends;
4. If you like witch house and want to keep up with the genre;
5. Because you are goth af but also trendy and political 🤣
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