Keep a watchful eye on all your fav journalists & writers who have takes on police & white supremacy. They're very duplicitous. They'll critique bad cops but genuinely don't support anti-imperialism; they'll write an anti-racist column but are gun shy about anti-capitalism.
When you hear the reasons(career, professionalism, choice, etc)why they do not write in full support of radical Black orgs, LGBTQIA, communism, socialism & anti-Americanism, we'll understand that it is the job of the masses & independent movements to speak freely about oppression
An individual can post & make a case for anti-state orgs, the total abolishment of police & prisons, & face consequences. It seems complicated for U.S journalists that write for politically challenged institutions; to speak openly on anti-Americanism & sham democracy in the U.S
You will NOT read reparations for Africans, Native & indigenous people from any institutions that DO NOT fully condemn America & support the eradication of White Power, CIA, FBI, DOJ, & ALL of its cohorts that transcribed global imperialism as a necessity for American democracy!
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