Zodiac sign polarities (a.k.a. "sister signs") appear opposite but typically share a common goal, having 2 different ways of achieving it. When working with someone who is your polarity, it's extremely helpful to know what this goal is so you can understand how to...

...work together.

Some examples:

Aries-Libra: Both want to find identity; Aries through seeing the Self & Libra through seeing the Self through the other.

Taurus-Scorpio: Both want to find trust; Taurus thru securing its own resources & Scorpio thru securing shared resources.
Gemini-Sagittarius: Both want to work with information; Gemini through gathering & learning and Sagittarius through teaching & showing.

Cancer-Capricorn: Both want to obtain long-term security & legacy; Cancer through home & nurturance, Capricorn through achievement & providing.
Leo-Aquarius: Both want to form belonging thru individuality; Leo thru feeling beloved by those around them; Aqua thru finding function in society at large.

Virgo-Pisces: Both want to serve; Virgo serves with conditions & practicality; Pisces serves unconditionally & spiritually
Even within ourselves we have polarities & dichotomies. Finding the commonality between the two can help us understand & appreciate the varying ways of bridging the gaps.

This tool is also very helpful for those who have placements in opposing signs (Sun-Moon, Moon-Venus, etc).
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