You see, the GOP is like the bully on the playground. They don't want everyone to have equal access to the equipment. They intimidate one group near the slide and keep another group on the other side of fence all together. They've had a teacher enable them, encourage them. 1/
On Wednesday, they knew a new teacher was going to be coming. The new teacher isn't perfect, but has hopes of letting all the kids have equal access to the equipment. The bullies didn't like this. So they would rather blow up the playground instead of equal opportunity. 2/
The bullies got caught. Now kids from all over the world see how the GOP have treated the kids at their playground. They're feigning sincerity, they're denying their role in bullying - even though there is video evidence. 3/
They are blaming their bullying on the new teacher. They are mad at the new teacher for sticking up for the people that have been kept outside the playground, the people not allowed to go on the swings.

This is gaslighting. 4/
We get unity by bullies apologizing & changing their behavior. We get unity by seeing consequences given to people - that they can't bring pipe bombs to the playground, they can't stand on top of the playground equipment and shout about how *they* are being treated unfairly. 5/
We get unity by watching wrongdoers face consequences.

Otherwise, what is the lesson? /end
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