Throughout the Normandy campaign, Allied commanders anticipated that German soldiers would surrender in large numbers, but this... rarely happened.

Why? /1
#WW2 #SWW #History
Throughout the campaign this question vexed the Allies, not least as Intelligence Officers repeatedly felt the enemy was on the cusp of collapse.

Such problems coincided with confusion as to why Army Group B didn't just withdraw to the Seine.

Many didn't understand the enemy./2
About the time of Operation Epsom, German propaganda kicked up a gear as officers enthused about devastating new Vergeltungswaffen (vengeance weapons) devastating London night after night.

With such potent firepower on hand, the British capital was in ruins and victory loomed./3
Both Waffen-SS and Heer were made to listen to compulsory lectures by morale officers and hear dramatic dispatches describing London's destruction.

This was circulated around 2 SS-Panzer.*

*The quote not the meme, obvs. /4
This anchored propaganda directed at the British and dropped over 21st Army Group's lines.

It massively backfired, but that's another story. /5
Other briefings said that London had been completely destroyed and that there were over twelve million civilian casualties...

Yes, twelve million.

If this was true, then victory had to be in sight right? /6
Of course this wasn't true.

Initially morale was buoyed but over time, it started to ebb and quiet cynicism took it's place.

I mean every day the Allied shells and mortar bombs tore over, planes buzzed about, tanks trundled and... it was clear that the tales were exaggerated./7
That said... there was an air of pessimism from the top level down, as Rommel warned Wolfgang Pickert back on 6 June.

This got worse over time, esp with OKW's meddling, Hitler's grand plans and Jodl & Keitel's backbiting. /8
Erhard Beck in 277 Artillerie respected the Waffen-SS but, "they were not... to be envied.. they were ambitious and splendid soldiers. We respected them... for us the war had been lost for some time. What counted was to survive." /9
Waffen-SS soldiers had already gone through punishing indoctrination regimes with indiscretions harshly punished.

I mean harsh. Those who broke military law could be sent to the SS punishment camp at Dachau or topenal companies.

They were the lowest of the low. /10
Punishment at Dachau varied massively, and is the subject for another time, SS inmates were officially sent there for hard labour etc.

In reality this was supplemented by continued abuse, beatings, violence, sexual assault and rape.

And random execution. /11
Although propaganda permeated within the Heer, it was much more ingrained into the Waffen-SS with political education at all levels.

It was impossible for one to become a Waffen-SS officer without being a pretty ardent devotee to National Socialism. /12
There is evidence that some substantial cadres of 9th SS-Panzer Division were effectively 'volunteered' for service with light suggestions of cowardice and violence if they did not to so, with dissenters publicly humiliated. /13
British soldiers were repeatedly astounded by Waffen-SS soldiers who refused to surrender, especially younger soldiers.

The youngest cohorts had only really known Nazi education and to say they were radicalised is an understatement, most were fervent adherents to the cause. /14
Reports soon emerged from field hospitals and RAPs painted a worrying image, as Jewish doctors were spat at, nurses cursed and blood transfusions refused.

This stunned and horrified many IOs, as they struggled to comprehend the mindset that could bring this about. /15
Even so, some SS commanders felt that indoctrination had jumped the shark even in '43.

During 10th SS-Panzer's formation their comd, Lothar Debes, ordered his subordinates to change the racially focused subject matter of a lecture to focus on inner character and achievement./16
Although many civilians were treated well during the German evacuation of civilians from the battle area, British soldiers did encounter those who were locked into cellars and left to die by the Waffen-SS. /17
As positive reinforcement crumbled, more extreme methods were sought.

Propaganda officers did the rounds to brief men what would happen if they surrendered.

After the war, lists would be collated and those who were taken prisoner would undergo trial.

Regardless who won. /18
Some suggested they'd be considered traitors and executed.

Regardless who won.

Seriously, let that sink in. /19
Other lectures informed them how the Allies never took prisoners.

They executed captives. /20
This, combined with knowledge of the dire events at home and Germany's strategic predicament really did help prevent wholesale collapse... altho' the incident at Maltot in July does stand out as a watershed moment.

tldr Eastern Front vets just gave up en-mass. /21
Allied int continued to overly rely on testimony from deserters and more agreeable prisoners, and struggled to comprehend why the enemy was fighting in this manner.

In part, at least, what the extremes encountered were felt to be nonsensical and just beyond reason. /thread
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