Since there is a WW making a weekend of camping in my mentions because I said allyship is trash and unity is currently far-fetched, I feel the need to explain.
First, allyship is trash. Example, if you are Black or POC and can read this, you know of/experienced White feminism, whether on this app or in everyday life.

Remember Bill Burr?
Now, I didn't co-sign the beginning or end of this monologue, neither do I with Burr's work. But he spoke truth here. I stated this the day after and WW were hotter than fish grease.

"How could you like this?"
"He was disrespectful. We've fought for POC"
It went as far as someone telling me that Black men have also oppressed WW. If I am lying, I'm flying, and my feet haven't left the ground.

Calling WW out on their ally bullshit makes them defensive. To me, it says that they'd rather have the title of ally and not the work.
As always, if this doesn't apply to you, let it fly. It's Sunday, football is on soon and I really don't feel like hurting feelings today.
I had everyone from artists that made Kamala portraits to every Becky with BLM in their bio on my ass like back pockets. How dare I question there allyship. How dare I? If you have to tell me you're an ally, you're not one. Actions speak louder than words.
I don't care about hashtags, struggle selfies, your sister being engaged to a Black dude. I do care about Black people fighting like a MF for centuries, just to be equal.
Honestly, for the ally types, just get the f*ck out the way. You're an unwanted obstacle. Wanna fight? Show up. This isn't the airport, no need to announce your arrival. This is our life.
As for unity.. (gotdamn, this is a long thread.)

Accountability needs to be first. Honestly, it starts with the demolition of the GOP. They own generations of bigotry. Dismantle that to start. We don't have to reach across the aisle.
To achieve unity, White people need to treat this like a math problem: show your work.

Telling me you want to be unified, is telling me there are S'mores pancakes. Where?

My plate is empty, country is still split.
There are White people doing and showing the work. They're not bragging about it. Just working. Why can't this be the norm? Because if we keep this real, there are some that want unity on their terms and pace. It is more palatable to their racist relatives/friends.
Once work occurs on a massive scale, then then awkward convos need to occur.
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