
I don’t want to live in a society where the State permanently ‘protects’ us from everyone else - from the risk of normal human activity.

Our societal norms have evolved over millennia. To stop these dead in their tracks is causing severe and widespread suffering.

Johnson & Hancock, and their crony (others are available) ‘scientific’ advisers, indulge this for many reasons - power, societal change, financial benefit, political survival - we have robust evidence of all this.

We know (actually know) that they have, for these reasons,

exaggerated the risk, and demanded we respond - extremely, equally (more or less) and everywhere across society.

And to achieve control and our acquiescence, whipped up fear in an extraordinary public ‘information’ campaign and pitted us against each other.

This is not the work of people remotely interested in seeking to protect the overall health of society. Let alone individual freedom. It is sinister and destructive and we need to call it out accordingly. And keep doing so.

Those who now demand this state protection from

the people around them, often express this precaution as a concern for others. But often without confronting the stark truth - that it is a actually an expression of fear for their own safety.

I am not unsympathetic to the selfishness of this.

But when used to accuse others, who do not share their need for protection, as being selfish, or worse ‘granny killers’, or as having ‘blood on their hands’, it becomes highly destructive and, worse, difficult to emerge from.

That the Government has fomented this hysteria, and led us into this dark place, is the reason I want to do everything possible to achieve a mass awakening followed by a brutal political reckoning.

I’m pretty sure I’m not alone.
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