We can’t move on—not until there is accountability. Accountability means telling the truth; it means confession and repentance. And it means consequences for brutality and death!

It means the removal of Trump from office. Now.
Either he resigns, or is impeached, or we invoke the 25th. Take your pick.

But if nothing is done—if there are no consequences to violence and insurrection—we are doomed to repeat it.
After the Civil War, the Black community—including formerly enslaved people—mobilized and organized for legal economic and political rights.

Did you know some 2,000 Black people held public office during Reconstruction?
16 served in Congress, including Senators Hiram Rebels and Blanche. Bruce. But, when whites lost their entitlement, they also lost their minds.

Out of rage and grievance they formed the KKK to violate, intimidate and lynch Black people, to kill Black freedom.
Compromises with the Confederate states meant little accountability for the traitors and violent war criminals who terrorized Black folks in whiteness’ name.

Trump knows how to stoke these embers, and has done so with glee.
Racism is a festering sore; a putrid hole in the soul of America. Trump sticks his finger in that hole and digs around in it.

And—without accountability—that’s not going to stop simply because he’s no longer President.
To move forward, there must be a swift response to this evil.

It’s not the first racist insurrection, but in the name of Love, I pray it is the last one.

We must be a prophetic chorus, howling for justice until it comes!
You can follow @RevJacquiLewis.
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