I just wanted to say one last thing about Co—Star and the appification of things: I'm not mad at apps. But you do have to trust who you're getting your information from. Like with the now dearly departed Astro Guide app from Vice, there was transparency in who created the content
You just need to know where your information is coming from because this is America under capitalism: it's not for the "greater good" most of the time. It's for investors' good. If the goal is just making more money, then it doesn't mean you'll be getting accurate information.
From my uber nerdy UChicago education, there was a focus on going to original sources (it could have also been a scam to buy a shit ton of books, but that's another story, LOL).

We don't have a lot of that these days...except...
There's been a push for that with going back to traditional astrology (which intersects with Classical studies). So you may see some people nerding out on that stuff.

That's fine, but most people are not going to have the time to do that. Don't feel pressured to do that.
But it's something to look out for in terms of how rigorous and serious your astrologer or astro info comes from.

I'm not 100% into certifications, but this does have an academic bent. You do want nerdy/studious people from which you receive your content.
I do believe astrology is for everyone, BUT it's really vast and complex. @PeoplesOracle was saying this earlier to leave it to the experts, and I agree. And I'll add that just because something is popular does not mean it's accurate.
If you're not sure, just ask! I know there can be a bit of that serious studiousness air here, but that comes from a place of passion and commitment to getting the right info at there. Keep asking until someone responds.
But Co—Star, I've said it a gazillion times that it's a trash app, and so have other people.

I will say, if you don't see astrologers talking about certain popular things, use that as a red flag. I have never seen an astrologer recommend that app, ever.
Astro apps aren't going away. They are convenient and it's basically like having a horoscope in your pocket. If that's what you need, cool. But transparency about the content is KEY.
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