So a group of people in Slemani are trying to start a petition to remove Slemani from KRG and to be under full Baghdad control instead. These people have no idea what they’re doing. They have no idea that they’re in this position because of Baghdad in the first place.
These people to me are weak and just purely disrespectful to their parents & grandparents who faced much worse struggles just to be progress to where we are today. Put your party allegiances aside, patriotism is standing by your country and not a party or a leader.
Those in Bakur, Rojava and Rojhelat wish they had the problems you do in Bashur. People in Iraq are in the exact same struggle, if not worse than you currently are. Fight the struggle by moving forwards and not backwards. Anyone pushing such agenda is a traitor in my eyes.
Don’t give me the “you don’t live here”.... I am Kurdish. All Kurds should be part of the struggle, being weak to let your oppressors win is never an option for me. If you love Iraq so much, stop talking about going Europe and go live in Mosul or Baghdad. Let us know how it is 🙂
I urge you all to speak out against this. As together, we can make the future bright. We can all push towards independence in bashur and autonomy & a route to independence in Bakur, Rojava and Rojhelat. But to do so, we can’t be allowing such idiocy. Stand together!
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