Some stuff I learnt because of a pandemic:

1. Some say a dog is man's best friend. I think it's canned tuna.
2. Ordering pants online is a 50/50 proposition at best.
3. Broccoli bonsai trees only sound good on paper.
4. Bad TV is okay. Like Spam when you haven't eaten in days.
5. If you get through all the levels of Netflix you don't get to record your initials or your high score at the end.
6. You wave at people more. Lots and lots of waving. Like Forrest Gump levels of waving.
7. It's true. That harmonica ain't gonna learn to play itself.
8. Don't name your dust bunnies. Just makes it harder on you when your vacuum cleaner Dave eats them. Horrific really.
9. If cabin fever's really getting to you. I mean really getting to you. Like you feel like a caged animal. Well, become a politician and take a vacation then.
10. Talking to yourself is fine. But if one of you starts speaking in a language you don't know it's maybe time to get some help. понять?
11. Only try The Great Exploding Potato Experiment of 2020 if you have a replacement microwave handy.
12. If when someone asks how you're doing you respond with a tirade about your provincial government maybe it's time to step away from the Twitter and try the Great Exploding Potato Experiment of 2021.
13. Shakespearian sock puppet theatre. Hark! Hours of fun goeth there!
14. Throw a Banana Republic mock turtleneck on under your bathrobe and you're ready for lockdown cocktail hour.
15. If you can spell at least 12 words using the letters in your name you have a really long name.
16. Grilled cheese sandwiches are like the Swiss Army Knife of food.
17. Your mail delivery person doesn't want to hear all about your weekend as much you think they do. No. Seriously. Stop.
18. Small things can be big things. It's all just a state of mind. And the right lighting.
19. Boredom Screaming into Pillows Cognitive Behavioral Training™.
19. Making motorcycle sounds while you're working is not a bad sign. Making screeching tire sounds when you turn the corner into the kitchen ... yeah, that's just juvenile.
20. Clothes don't make the man. A good Zoom background does.

Oh, also, a hat.
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