Don't insult our don't have to say "I am with Trump"

You do so with every false article write, with every tweet that echos what Trump has said, with every support of the CPC no matter how bad and with every destructive rumour about 'your enemies'
We know the ties between The Millennial Post, we understand you are a special interest group and so are they, we GET that you exist solely to ensure this populist version of the CPC gets elected by any means....and we understand that lying to do so is your M.O.
Populism is a hell of a must be something to say something or write something that get people's fists in the air with a collective cry of 'YEAH'....but when you lie to get that reaction? it's wrong, when you insult to get that reaction? it's wrong.
But Canada Proud? let's not pretend, we know what you are, we know why you exist, we know what you are doing.....we know and YOU know it isn't right. If this is how you choose to 'make a living' fine, but let's not pretend it's honest or ethical or good for the country.
Let's visit some of your greatest disinformation hits on the past little while. Here's a fun one that suggests we should apply a moral/political lens to vaccine distribution rather than a vaccine distribution based on science, fairness and respect for ALL life.
Here's another suggesting (from another disinformation source) that Canadians aren't getting the rebates promised DESPITE all evidence to the contrary.
Here's another from one of your provincial subsidiaries suggesting the issue is vaccines supply when in reality it's the distribution that is at is a political tactic to distract pressure away from Ford where it should be so we can get better results.
Here's is another to specifically target the people who are anti-lockdown....a fist-pump to the dissenters. Quebec is not targeting the homeless, it's been expressly and specifically addressed.
Gee why is Lecce in Ontario failing so badly? Well, he's a populist too and this is what he's being commanded to follow....from the populace (you can't claim Lecce doesn't know where his bread is buttered)
Here's a well know bit of disinformation.....the old "Where is Trudeau? did he go on vacation?" They know it wasn't true when they posted it (time to start looking at the media enablers here BTW)
Well, I won't bore you....this is just a handful of stuff from the past couple of weeks. Some may say, this is just an alternative perspective? no, it's's an attempt to revise history and embed alternative facts and therein lies the problem.
BTW....just for everyone's reference, the original tweet that I screen-capped and posted on this thread has been removed from their feed. It was originally posted around 9:30 this morning (Sunday)
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