Spoke to my very first crush/boyfriend after a gap of 15 years. He was also my best friend at the time.
There was instant, simple chemistry, the kind that only two 17 year olds can experience.
He moved to a different country 20 years ago, we lost touch within 5 years of him moving out. And we spoke this week after that long gap.
Talking to him is still easy. He's more of an American now than he was ever an Indian.
We talked about old times, our dates for which we both lied at home, our families, both of us choosing to stay single even at 39, how it still feels like yesterday.
We talked about how we now understand each other's actions at 17, how much we love those 2 kids
Most of all, we talked about our old dreams. How neither one of us lived up to the promises we made. How good it was for us both that we still have the fondest memories and no regrets about each other.
This is the kind of love I believe in. The uncomplicated, benign kind.
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