Sadly, a month later, this Tweet has aged all-too well. And far from finding political reality, even as it mugs the nation, the anti-anti-Trumpers are firmly sticking to their mash-up of politics as an eternal 2016 Democratic primary with early 1930s "Third Period" Communism.
These are two tweets, sent yesterday, by a Contributing Editor at Jacobin.
As the distinctions between that brand of "leftism" and fascism (a term that Bessner, incidentally, rejects both as a description of Trumpism and more generally) continue to narrow, I suspect the the particular tension of those two tweets will resolve itself in a number of ways.
Some anti-anti-Trumpers will simply give up on the American left as insufficiently illiberal and just embrace the far right. Plenty of fascists historically started their political journeys as socialists.
Others will cling to their supposed leftism and dream of more explicit alliances with the far right. There are already a lot of NazBol tendencies in the Jacobin crowd.
Some (the smallest group, I fear) will eventually realize that fascism is fascism, a coup is a coup. That the far right is the greatest danger facing democracy in America today. And that the first step toward socialism is defeating it.
Finally, upon hearing the screams in the night generated by their fascist allies, the last group of anti-anti-Trump leftists will become horseshoe-theory-embracing, god-that-failed free-market conservatives.
My guess is that a future generation of Whittaker Chamberses and David Horowitzes can be found among those now on the Jacobin masthead.
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