What often happens when a HCW asks for help v what should happen (a thread)
They expect strict confidentiality because they are paralyzed with fear. They don’t want anyone to know because their profession treats them like they are flawed, damaged, and not good enough.
They might ask for a leave and be told that they are ‘letting the team down’ Their superior may dock their pay or put them down for being selfish.
They may instantly become labeled as one of ‘those’ people who couldn’t handle the stress of the job. They may begin to feel even worse; Even more demoralized.
They may move on in their careers and heal, only to be asked about their help seeking again when they apply for licensure or credentialing. They may have to pay more $ for insurance.
What SHOULD happen is cultural and structural change. Organizations where help seeking is the NORM. Where leaders who abuse and harm are held accountable. Where speaking up means being a good worker, not a disruptive force.
What SHOULD happen is that HCW should have access to free treatment and paid time off. And guess what? Their patients who need mental health and addictions care should be treated with dignity.
Addressing stigma for HCW requires addressing stigma in health care. If we create orgs that welcome those who seek help instead of rolling our eyes at them or whispering about them then maybe we can help our colleagues who are suffering feel more comfortable asking for help. /end
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