I just test drove the vaccine appt system. It is not equitable for seniors. There are too many steps, and the system DOES NOT recognize that NYS has announced we are in phase 1B starting Mon., which includes adults 75+. @MarkLevineNYC 1/4 https://twitter.com/MarkLevineNYC/status/1348025457179045888
2. It is not equitable to seniors who don't speak English. I used to work with immigrant seniors--45% are foreign-born. 1 in 4 do not speak English well (LEP). In some Asian senior groups 90% are LEP. @AARPNY @NYCComptroller What's the plan? 2/4
3. It is not equitable to low-income seniors who are not tech savvy or don't have broadband. In NYC only 26% of low-income households have high speed service. What's the plan to reach them? @paula_span perhaps there's a story here. @MWestWSJ @katie_honan 3/4
There are 1 million seniors in NYC. How come the city still hasn't thought of more equitable ways to vaccinate this high-risk group? /end.
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