Meijer was the House Chamber when the attack started: “we *unpacked gas masks*. Tear gas had been deployed after violent protestors stormed the rotunda, but as we took cover under bulletproof chairs I assured my colleague we would be fine.”

#TrumpCoupAttempt #GOPSedition
“The mob then rushed the barricaded doors to the chamber, trying to break them down. The illusion of security, of the sanctity of our constitutional order, collapsed. With guns drawn, police ordered us to evacuate leading to chaos as we fled down corridors and into the tunnels...
...beneath Capitol Hill. Several times our group of lawmakers *found ourselves alone, with no police escort*, fearful of what threats might lie around the next corner.”

So many more people could have been killed by these violent terrorists.🤬

#TrumpCoupAttempt #GOPSedition
“We eventually took shelter, coming to grips with the appalling assault on our democracy. Some rioters were armed, and at least 1 carried flex-cuffs to take hostages. Pipe bombs were discovered & neutralized. Outside, a gallows with a noose for our necks had been assembled.”
🔥”While the Capitol was being assaulted by his supporters who were duped into believing the election was in fact a landslide victory & the true results could be overturned,  #Trump egged on these violent delusions.”💥


#TrumpCoupAttempt #TrumpTreason #ArrestTrump
“Before the assault, Trump had addressed the crowd and urged his loyalists to march on the Capitol, ‘to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones … give them the pride and boldness they need to take back our country.’”


#TraitorTrump #TrumpCoupAttempt
Meijer says a @GOP voted to overturn the results out of fear for his family’s life: “My colleague told me efforts to overturn the election were wrong, and voting to certify was a constitutional duty...
But my colleague feared for family members, and the danger the vote would put them in. Profoundly shaken, my colleague voted to overturn.”

An angry mob succeeded in threatening at least 1 member of Congress from performing...a constitutional responsibility.”🤬
”Worse yet, while a dead woman’s blood dried mere feet from our chamber, other @GOP doubled down, repeating lies of a stolen election...doing whatever they could to justify, equivocate, rationalize or otherwise avoid taking responsibility for the consequences of their actions.”🤬
“Those of us who refused to cower, who have told the truth, have suffered the consequences. GOP colleagues who have spoken out have been accosted on the street, received death threats, and even assigned armed security.

I have been called a traitor more times than I can count.”🤬
🔥”This should be a moment of reckoning for the country as a whole, and the conservative movement in particular.

If the GOP ever hopes to regain the public’s trust and lead the country forward after this heinous assault, it must first be honest with itself.”💥

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