This is an issue worth collecting data on, but there's a key fallacy to watch out for. The data for fast moving technologies like wind, solar, electronics, and batteries ALWAYS lags reality. That means current estimates are almost always too high, by a lot. @AukeHoekstra
Here's how fast costs (and by inference, embedded carbon to first order) have fallen in recent years. Key point: costs include energy used to make these products. Estimates from even a few years ago are completely out of date.
For most energy-using products, the life-cycle emissions FAR exceed the embedded emissions associated with manufacturing. Analysts should account for embedded emissions, but most folks should just go ahead and do the right thing.
#ElectrifyEverything. Eat less meat. Reduce air travel. Buy clean power. And vote out climate-denying politicians. But don't obsess about embedded emissions, it's an intellectual dead end, and often leads to paralysis by people who should be taking action to make things better.
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