what is happening with Uyghur Muslims in China: a thread (tw // islamophobia, rape, abuse, torture)
Uyghur/Uighur Muslims are a Turkish speaking minority group, majoritively based in Xinjang, China. currently, over 3 MILLION of them have been separated from their families & are being detained in concentration camps in China just for being Uyghur.
these are some of the many reasons Uyghurs are put in these camps.
in these camps, people as young as 15 and as old as 80 are placed in overcrowded cells (40 people to a 16 square metre room). here, they are brainwashed, prohibited from practicing Islam and forced to do things that go against their religion (eating pork, drinking alcohol etc).
they are forced to spend their days praising the President, singing positively about communism and the government & doing forced labour. they are injected with unknown substances that cause memory loss and mental derangement. this is all because of their beliefs.
they must follow very specific rules and every aspect of their life is controlled, as if they were in prison (but thought to be much worse). if any of these rules are broken, they are subject to harsh physical punishments.
these can range from being deprived of food and having their fingernails pulled out to being beaten and raped. some are even having their organs harvested whilst they are ALIVE.
outside of the camps, the genocide continues. many women have been forced to go on birth control & have abortions in attempt to wipe out the Muslim population in China. they are also made to marry non-Muslim men & are separated from their children if they go against these things.
China have been trying to hide these camps for years but since being found out, they claim them to be "re-education camps" for criminals or Muslims with extremist beliefs. there is much evidence (survivors' reports, videos inside the camps etc.) proving that this isn't true.
this heartbreaking video shows a mother who was detained in camps THREE TIMES talking about her inhumane, brutal experiences. she said she begged with them to kill her so she wouldn't have to endure anymore of this horrific torture.
this is both a psychological and physical genocide that's being allowed to happen right in front of our eyes. the death toll recently surpassed that of the Holocaust yet is receiving minimal attention from the media & society. we can't stop talking about this until things change.
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