In 1973, United States National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger tabled a report titled National Security Studies Memorandum 200 in which he outlined what the US needed to do in order to efficiently extract valuable natural resources from less developed countries (LDCs)

In his report, Kissinger pointed out that minerals were mainly concentrated in less developed countries, and that securing them from these places was fairly easy, but only if the countries were stable because unstable countries are simply too difficult to access and loot
Thus, Kissinger proposed that the United States needed to "stabilise" these LDCs by formulating and implementing what he called a "population policy". In his own words:
"Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States"
In other words, in order to secure oil, gold, natural gas and minerals, the US needed to take steps including, but not limited to legalising abortion, giving money to women who use contraception, accept sterilisation, and accept termination of pregnancy...
In instances where the aforementioned measures were inadequate, Kissinger put forward that forced birth control, sterilisation and abortions would be implemented
If a poor country refused to cooperate with the US population policy, Kissinger proposed that food, disaster and humanitarian aid be withheld, as a way to force it to open itself up to American resource pillaging
Essentially, Kissinger was saying the US needed to create stability by reducing the population in poor nations. The issue of overpopulation was raised explicitly to give rich Western nations easy access to natural resources in LDCs. It was never about any "population explosion"
In the very report, Kissinger admits they don't know anything about Africa's population, yet they will proceed to preach to Africans that they're overpopulated. Because the population was never the issue. It was always about the valuable resources

A quote:
"Assessment of future demographic trends in Africa is severely impeded by lack of reliable base data on the size, composition, fertility and mortality, and migration of much of the continent's population"
On how to suppress any talk of American imperialism in its population policies, Kissinger recommended that the US "repeatedly [assert]" that their intentions were about "the determine freely & responsibly the number & spacing of, & means to do so"
Also, repeated attention was to be drawn towards "the fundamental social and economic development of poor countries in which rapid population growth is both a contributing cause and a consequence of widespread poverty"
Basically, what Kissinger was saying was, when anyone asks what we're are doing with all this population control talk, we tell them:

1. We are giving them the right to choose, and

2. they are poor because they're having too many children

3. Repeat as many times as possible
Kissinger further proposed that the US needed to keep its distance from any "family planning" measures implemented in a "host country" by first installing compliant leaders and ensuring credit goes to these local leaders for any successfully implemented projects
The Kissinger report further proposed that the US needed to select, groom and indoctrinate young people in LDCs, 10 to 20 years in advance, in order to ready them for future leadership roles where they will continue with the programmes and projects
Speaking of young people, Kissinger voiced concern about young people, who according to him are "likely to be more volatile, unstable, prone to extremes, alienation and violence than an older population...
"These young people can more readily be persuaded to attack the legal institutions of the government or real property of the "establishment," "imperialists," multinational corporations, or other ── often foreign ── influences blamed for their troubles"
In simple terms, the youth is far more dangerous to America's imperial ambitions than the older generation and needed to be kept an eye on
To be clear, the Kissinger Report put forward what on the surface at least, looks like a compelling case for population control. Again, it was never about population

The Kissinger Report continues to be implemented to this day, one only needs to look around more closely. Ends
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