One of the reasons that as an Argentine I supported Trump was to prevent what we are witnessing now, because I KNEW it was coming. That, and the end of eternal wars and imperialist meddling. It is now the time, once more to defend freedom of speech and basic liberties.
To say that a rag tag of disorganized and unarmed people, overwhelmed by emotion, who basically just took selfies while inside the Capitol was akin to the death and destruction of 9/11 is not only a blatant and ridiculous lie but a very dangerous proposition.
We have SEEN terrorist attacks. I have personally been personally involved in 3. The Madrid Atocha attack, the London 2007 bombings and the Barcelona Ramblas attack of 2017. I was there, I saw the people screaming in terror from my balcony. I saw the guns.
If what happened on the Capitol was an attempted coup. Where were the guns? Who was the leader? They were laughing and posing and taking pics? Really? As an Argentine I know what an attempted coup is. I watched mortars fire as a kid when the Carapintadas attempted one.
To compare what went on last week with coups and terrorist attacks is a dangerous hyperbole which only seeks to further disenfranchise millions of people, not only in the US, but worldwide. People die in coups and terrorist attacks, for their sake and their memories, have respect
If you have family who ever witnessed a regime change towards a dictatorship, this is what it looks like. Persecution, censorship, proscription, dehumanization... then will come the cleansing so many are gleefully talking about. How long until forced "deprogramming" and camps?
My great grandfather endured 2 years of digging ditches in the Italian border until he could reunite with his children, back broken and soul hurt. Where will the dissidents be sent to be broken? Will it be just humiliation and the inability to find a job? Kids taken away? What?
Since I was a 9 year old girl looking out my window at the smoke from the 1986 uprising in Argentina, witnessing tanks on the streets and my mother weeping, I vowed I would ALWAYS fight against tyranny in whichever form I encountered it. And I will.
Many friends and even loved ones did not understand my positions for the past 5 years. But how could they? They did not understand what was coming... but I did. I saw that an authoritarianism was growing beyond what I had experienced, beyond what my ancestors and father fought.
This monoculture that they want to enact upon the world is evil, it attempts to strip everyone who doesn't submit of their very souls. It attacks the family and all organic forms of social organization because it seeks slaves, not citizens. A culture of snitches will eat itself.
You have the right to live according to your morals, traditions and beliefs that have withstood the test of time. You have the right to live without constantly apologizing for who you were born. Therefore, it is time to use the tools used against us, and fight.
If you are reading this, understand, you are now a persecuted minority and there will indeed be - already in place - systemic oppression and discrimination against you and your people. Therefore, the Civil Rights fight of your lifetime will be for your right to exist.
The Right to exist and keep your religion and traditions. Because they already have been coming for your faith. They open casinos and close your churches. Your clubs are infiltrated or banned. You cannot start your own companies or alternative media. What is this called?
If your heart is beating and you have a stake in the future, this is your fight. Today. The right to your own beliefs, the right to freedom FROM association, the right to your emotions (hate or love, you're human after all), the right to work without being forced to pledge fealty
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