English politics has a last days of Rome feel about it. Their country is dying around them but they can't bear to admit it
Brexit has become a religion to those that follow it. It's even got that priapic delight in suffering, as though the very pain of Brexit will purge the sins of the country.
The air in England is thick with psychosis, and those of us who were never infected by it can only watch the horror as these bare arsed Brexiteers wallow in their own muck.
Brexit is a policy of destruction. It is no good or benefit to this country, and yet it is held with the absolute devotion of an idiot.
It's like the fall of Communism. Everybody can see that it has already failed, but we're waiting for politicians to admit it.
It's not going to be Starmer who admits that Brexit is a mistake. It could have been, but he obviously doesn't have the strength for the job.
Someone has to admit that Brexit was a mistake, and as Starmer has lost his chance, he will have to give way to someone else who can do that job.
The English are going to have to come to terms with some things now.
They've already split the United Kingdom, and Scotland is going to be next.
With the destruction of their economy and the break up of their country the English are going to have to go back into the European Union because there's nowhere else for them to be.
I'm no longer interested in the daydream politics of Englishmen. We're heading back into the economic decay of the 1970s
We're going to lose a whole decade now. We are going to rejoin Europe, but it's going to be after we've come to terms with ourselves.
The overwhelming support for the SNP in Scotland means they will get their referendum, and there is no doubt they're going to win.
Scottish independence on top of Brexit, and then Scotland rejoining the European Union by itself
And several countries waiting to abolish the monarchy when the Queen dies . . .
There is nothing England can do now. Its future is out of its hands.
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