1) the one we already knew about, when a mob nearly breached the Speaker's Lobby with access to the House Chamber while congressmembers and staff were sheltering inside
2) there was a similar moment with the Senate Chamber, when a right turn would have taken another mob straight inside -- but for whatever reason, they did not turn right
3) we've all seen the photos they took of themselves in Pelosi's main office, stealing her mail -- there were eight staffers hiding under a table in a conference room just one more open door further inside the office
4) a group of McConnell staffers just managed to hide in a side office and barricade the door as the mob broke through
5) and that doesn't even count the near-lynchings of two photographers, one inside the building and one outside, the pipe bombs that didn't go off, the man arrested in DC with an arsenal and armor piercing bullets who texted his friends he was going to murder Pelosi, on and on
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