#TPLF has a solid record of brutality against civilians-EXECUTIONS, mass RAPES, denial of HUMANITARIAN ACCESS..👇🏿Unlike the #TPLF-ites who have selective amnesia, we haven’t FORGOTTEN.
The main lesson-we should investigate & hold ALL violators ACCOUNTABLE!
"The soldiers came to Aleen, after they burned down Lahelow. Then they burned Aleen. We were there at the time. The soldiers arrived and ordered the people out of their homes.They gathered all of the people together. Then the commander ordered the village burned...” #TPLFamnesia🇪🇹
"They wanted to intimidate the rest of us, so they brought the two girls who they said were the strongest ONLF supporters. They made the rest of us watch while they killed the two girls...they shot both...Their names were Faduma Hassan, 17, and Samsam Yusuf, 18”. #TPLFamnesia 🇪🇹
"I was taken away with two men, Hassan... and Ahmed... First, they pulled ropes around the necks of the two men and pulled in opposite directions...One soldier tried to strangle me with the metal stick used for cleaning the gun [by pushing it down on my throat...” #TPLFamnesia 🇪🇹
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