Would like to add a friendly reminder to read stories before you tweet about them ✌
UPDATE Dorset Police comment:

'We believe this video was planned, stage-managed and recorded by members of the protest group who turned up in multiple areas, several of whom refused to engage or provide their details.
'If people refuse to give their details in such circumstances then it leaves officers with little option, but to arrest until the details are established. Our officers would only arrest as a last resort.
'At the earliest opportunity, officers made repeated attempts to engage with the organisers to request that they did not go ahead with the planned protest, but this was unsuccessful. Liaison with the organisers throughout the week led to the individuals changing their approach
on the day. It was clear that the group were deliberately organising their activities, walking around in twos and then trying to come together in a "flash mob" style approach, as they have done previously. This activity went on for a couple of hours. Officers attended the town
centre to disrupt the protest and disperse the groups. Throughout the afternoon officers gathered evidence on people who had attended the protest and were persistently staying within the area for a prolonged period of time. Those people, including those who were arrested, had
earlier engagement and were warned by officers.

We are further astonished by the fact that a number of the group were identified to have travelled considerably from out of the Dorset area.'
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