1/2🔥Sunday Exclusive🔥
- "A Bad Influence? Is Kyle Rittenhouse in good hands with John Pierce?"
- A short, easy to follow investigatory look at issues w/ attorney Pierce which bear on the feature question
- Fascinating look under the hood
#Whistleblower https://link.medium.com/2pdBiQAOVcb 
2/2 John Pierce's firm was hired by Rudy Giuliani, as well as Tulsi Gabbard, Carter Page, G. Papadopoulos, M. Avenatti. It's unclear how Pierce established these relationships. Pierce's track record the last several years is horrific 🔥2-min vid🔥
3/3 Update - John Pierce has been accused of being a Phony and a Con Man. Let's take a quick look. Pierce basically hearse-chased the Rittenhouse case. He talked big, he fell on his face. Predictable. But hey, have a look. #FightBack
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