Please note: authors cannot legally give you permission to read their books (even though they really, really want you to be able to help you keep reading their books), but their publisher can. Here are our guidelines. Most publishers will have them on their websites.
We are also offering class sets of eBooks at £1 per copy. Get in touch to find out more or browse our website to view titles. 
We have a totally free downloadable eBook 'Stay at Home!' about #lockdown by 40 children's authors with free resources too – perfect for #lockdownlearning or #remotelearning Get it here: 
Please don't ask authors for pdfs of their books – that's like asking for a pirated DVD. It's illegal & diminishes their hard work. Authors are having a really hard year just now, just like everyone else. Most have a day job, and *all* deserve to be paid for their books. 🙏📚
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