Ok so this was my Anarchism 101 thread. It is 0615, there is a purring cat in my lap, and I'm waiting for the yurt to warm up while I drink coffee, so let's do Anarchism 110: What's With The Hyphens? https://twitter.com/NeolithicSheep/status/1347170106695168003
I am, as mentioned, an anarcho-communist! There are also, for instance, anarcho-syndicalists running around out there. You will also see "ancap" which is short for anarcho-capitalist, and "anprim", anarcho-primitivist. We'll get to those latter two.
As mentioned in the 101 thread, anarchism is a *political* and *social* philosophy. That is, it mainly deals with how we'd like to govern the communities we live in, and how we believe people should relate to one another and, for some anarchists, other animals.
Some of us hyphenate because we also want to emphasize what *economic* system we're working towards, and/or how to get there.
So while all anarchists believe in rejecting hierarchy and participatory and direct democratic control of communities, we will differ on tactics we use to get to that end state.
Anarcho-syndicalists emphasize the role of labor organizing in taking control of the economy. You will find them lurking around workplaces and locations that workers gather, talking about One Big Union, worker cooperatives, and direct democratic control of the workplace.
Anarcho-communists like me are trying to reconcile the need for individual freedom with the need for collective action and ownership. There are more radical ones who claim any social control is tyranny (weirdos).
There are more moderate ones who believe that some degree of social control on members of a society is necessary for a society to function (we're also weirdos, but a different flavor).
Regardless, we're out to abolish money, wage labor, and capital in favor of collective ownership of the means of production while respecting your personal possessions you are using - we are not coming for your toothbrush, underwear, or probably the house you live in.
We are pretty definitely coming for your vacation home and investment properties though, sorry not sorry.
Anarcho-collectivism is similar but does not, effectively, seek to abolish money or wages. Rather, it wants control of wages to be put into the hands of the workers at each workplace.
Anarcho-capitalists are a bunch of right wing edgelords who are functionally identical to right wing libertarians and are not to be trusted or believed.
Anarcho-primitivists advocate a return to pre-neolithic technological levels and social organization. No, seriously. They want everyone to go back to living as late Paleolithic hunter-gatherers. No one takes them seriously, esp not when they turn up on the internet.
Yeah you know sometimes people are assholes. Societies need a way to deal with that. There is no way for a community to function without enforcing norms like "we do not tolerate bigotry and other harmful fuckery". https://twitter.com/shadowfirebird/status/1348232833953910786?s=19
There are approximately ten million hyphenated flavors of anarchism out there. There's anarcho-pacifism (the anarchists who never engage in smashy-smashy tactics). There's anarcho-individualists, who are all teenaged boys mad their parents can ground them.
But quite frankly the ones you'll run across on the internet either do not hyphenate, or are anarcho-communists, -syndicalists, -capitalists, or -primitivists.
...the yurt is still cold. MAKE THE FIRE GO FASTER
This is a really good question! And I mean that sincerely. Unfortunately the answer I have for you is that it's going to look different in every community. Also, I would still be raising sheep even in a brave new world. https://twitter.com/brucegdc/status/1348237288707411968?s=19
A lot of people love what they do, and would be much happier if they could keep doing it while also knowing that their material needs are definitely going to be met even if they get hurt on the job.
How do you get people to run the garbage trucks and the sewage plant? Man fucked if I know. If you don't have enough people stepping up to volunteer, it may be possible to offer incentives.
But how do you ensure food happens? Oh man there are SO MANY people who would love to get into farming but don't have the access to capital required and therefore can't afford land and tools. If we took the need for capital out of the equation we'd be rolling in food.
Likewise the restaurant industry. I know so many people who would love to get into cooking commercially but it doesn't pay for shit at the lower levels and it's physically punishing but doesn't come with insurance.
If they had their needs met, if they didn't have to worry about wages or healthcare, they'd have the freedom to apprentice to a chef.

If every neighborhood had a kitchen with a trained chef in it, cooking, where you could swing by and grab food if you weren't up to cooking...
The people I know who work in municipal water systems are likewise pretty passionate about making sure people have clean, safe water. A lot of them burn out because the municipalities they work for don't share that priority.
Anyway. I'm getting away from the basic point of the thread.
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