So in my thoroughly soul-crushing efforts to document the latest anti-shipper/fancop harassment spree, wading through the pedo accusations and the suicide baiting and the horrific comments about the OP's deceased mother, I ran into something interesting. Let's talk about it.
Now, I'm aware that 'ironic homophobia' is a trend now with the Youths so I checked out the OP's carrd and!! Gasp!! A LGBT Youth! I am shocked!

But would you know that by looking at the tweet alone? Of fucking course not. 'Ironic' homophobia is fucking terrible.
ANYWAY. The phrase 'alph*bet community/alph*bet people' rang a bell. I decided to do a quick search.

Sooo this took me seconds. Notice that one guy bringing up CSEM and porn out of fucking nowhere to vilify the left for...holding Tr*mp accountable for his actions???
Also downplaying the coup. Lovely.

Anyway I'm not trying to depress yall. but LGBT kids doing their best Q impressions is fucking concerning. not only are they accusing the exact same ppl of the exact same shit for fucking asinine reasons but theyre even TALKING LIKE THEM.
I need everyone on the left to fucking open their eyes already. Im exhausted and this is way beyond fandom at this point. Again, Im working hard on getting the message to other platforms but jesus fucking christ how much more is it gonna take
Also Im literally, like, physically exhausted. Im going to bed for a long time I'll see you in a couple days maybe. idk. sleep.
@lizcourserants might wanna add this to your report on the latest incident
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