MINI THREAD: People are really surprised that some of these fascist thugs storming the Capitol are university-educated upper-middle-class society types. Before I went to uni there was a message board where you get to know some students you'll be joining with.
It was very beige and I was there for literally two days before deciding "I'll just...see who is on my course" because there was one girl who didn't wait long before going "worried I'll be in halls with someone black or asian who cooks minging food".
I told her she was racist, lots of people jumped to her defence and she went OFF at me. AND THAT WOMAN GREW UP TO BE KELLY LOEFFLER. Nah, she probably works in middle management somewhere being a hideous Karen.
When I think hardcore Brexiteer I think of rich, entitled people who see themselves as victims. Same with these MAGA fascists who all had enough money to fly down to DC to do their Fisher Price coup. They're not penniless and fwightened.
I'm always being accused of being "the liberal elite" but I'll tell you something for nothing m8, I certainly don't have enough money to board a plane and book a hotel in one of the most expensive cities in the country just so I can shout at some politicians and nick their post.
And btw, that was just the Bournemouth University freshers message boards in 2003. There wasn't a Parler.
Fuck knows what that blonde dickhead said in private if that's what she only waited a couple of hours to say on a forum with a bunch of students she was about to spend the next three years with.
Anyways, that's just some thoughts on the narrative that we just don't UNDERSTAND the white working class and we demonise MAGA which makes them more powerful. Coz...there were lots of rich assholes who tried to overturn democracy last week and I'm glad they're getting arrested.
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