On his Birthday, here are some of the most interesting qoutes about MISTER SARRI. 🙏🏻

"Statistically it's my best season, and I like to say that because the way he's [Sarri] thinking is the same way I think about football.

Sometimes we have lost but, in the end, the way he wants to play is the way I want Chelsea to play."

"Sarri taught me football we're led by a commandant who has changed everyone's life.

His way of understanding football, philosophy distinguishes us from others.

It feels like he's has already played the game out in his head & on the field you have an extra man"

"Every 20 years there's an innovation in football.

After Ajax, there was Sacchi's Milan, then Guardiola, who rather sent football to sleep. Fortunately now we've got Sarri, who can football up again."

"For someone like me, who loves watching games at home on sofa, Napoli are spectacular & his brand of football is a joy to watch.

His style of football is as good as a drink in the sun, a spectacle."

"He really is a genius. He sees things others don't see. Sarri makes you understand how football is & isn't predictable.

He's scholar. Any question you ask him, he always has an answer & it's always right."

"Sarri is the most important of all & strength of the team.

He is the director & author of the orchestra, all [Napoli] players have improved under him.

I was amazed by the football Empoli played. So I sent two National Youth coaches to follow his training sessions."

2 years ago, I said to Berlusconi:

"Silvio, If you want repeat w/ Milan what happened w/ me 25 years ago, I will give you a name [Sarri]. It won't cost you money but he's the one you need."

Berlusconi didn't take him.

Last year Silvio told me, "Arrigo, I was wrong"

"His head is so intellectual. He has a keen analytic mind that can systematize everything.

I rate him higher than Pep. His strength is in details, there's no detail that's beneath his attention.

He teaches the players to think."

[KURBAN BERDYEV, legendary Rubin Kazan Manager]
"He's fond of quoting his grandad"

His grandad used to say to him, "We're here to play football, not to unload a lorry. I don't need big, hefty fellas, I want guys who can play with the ball"

He believes in that type of football.

[Paddy Agnew: Italian Football Correspondent]
"Apart from Juve, the team that played best in Serie A last season were Empoli.

He had them playing the beautiful game, a team moving even when stationary at set pieces. He's a well prepared coach"

"Sarri is a man who belongs on the field. He lived the game 24/7.

He was a sick man. He was obsessed with football & never even let the slightest of detail get by him.

He has made me evolve technically & tactically. He changed my career."

"He has helped me so much early on. He made me feel like a player who is indispensable.

At time for a player, dialogue can be the most important thing. He's like a father for me."

"One day my sporting director Marcello Carli came & said to me: 'Talk to this man, after two minutes you'll be enthralled.'

That man was Maurizio Sarri. It was like magic tight away -- in one face-to-face meeting right away -- I saw the passion & energy."

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