Hi @TheSun. We see you. You better own your mess.

Murdoch's policy of disinformation is why the far right has been energised in the US and you've helped him do it here too.

If you're looking for parallels, it's in the EDL, BNP, UKIP, hardline Brexiteers - not Labour or Remain.
. @TheSun Have you forgotten that Labour MP Jo Cox was killed by the far right?

Have you forgotten the Finsbury Park attacker admitted he wanted to kill Corbyn?

You know full well where the parallels in the UK are. But you also know the big part you've played in creating them.
A reminder of previous columnists for @TheSun

• Katie Hopkins
• Nigel Farage
• Brendan "Nazi's must have freedom of speech" O'Neill

This isn't about diversity of thought. It's a deliberate attempt to sow discord and promote hate. It worked in the US, it's worked here too.
Hi @TheSun. If you keep looking over at the attempted far-right coup in the US and conclude that the biggest danger in the UK is the left, you're either:

• Unaware of the news
• Being wilfully ignorant
• Feeling guilty about pandering to the far right
• All three
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