1/The core of understanding cultural attachment theory lies in the primary differences in Aboriginal parenting-Indigenous natural growth parenting teaches interdependence in children & teaches children 2c the group as more important than the self.
2/Its often confused 4 attachment disorders from a mainstream ‘concerted cultivation’, nuclear family parenting & attachment model, meaning cult diff r being confused 4 risk. Natural growth means Community & kin r equally responsible as biol parents 2 a child’s attachments needs
3/ it means a greater focus on the concept of “It takes a whole community 2 raise a child” thus ensuring greater capacity 2b responsive 2 a child’s entire range of emotional needs & increasing the odds of secure attachment.
I wish more in child protection understood this better.
4/Sig factors around child removal & intergenerational trauma transmission would b addressed with cultural attachment theory empirically validated & attachment programs tested responsive 2 these differences. With 54% of kids in care Indigenous these diffs r critical 2 prevention
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